B117 Arousing the Intellects with an Explantion of Umdatal-Ahkam: Book of Zakah & Fasting
Fasting, Fiqh-Worship, Hadith $19.99As-Siyaam (Fasting) in the language means: Refraining from a thing.
In the legislation it means refraining from food, drink, and the rest of the nullifiers; from the appearance of the second Fajr to the setting of the sun, in worship of Allaah, the mighty and majestic.Allaah has obligated fasting upon his slaves within every religion.
Allaah, the exalted, has said: “O You who believe! Observing As-Sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you is it was prescribed for those before you. That you may become al- muttaqun (pious)”.