Shaykh ‘Abdur Razzaaq Bin ‘Abdul-Muhsin Al-Badr, may Allaah preserve him and his father, expounds on the very significant topic of the Quran as well as how it is implemented.
Shaykh ‘Abdur Razzaaq Bin ‘Abdul-Muhsin Al-Badr, may Allaah preserve him and his father, expounds on the very significant topic of the Quran as well as how it is implemented.
Weight | .33 lbs |
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(Revised Second Edition)
Shaykh Muqbil (Rahimahullah) stated : “Knowing the reason why the verse was revealed helps us to understand its meaning. Some of the verses were difficult for some of the Companions of the Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and those after them to understand until they knew the reason why they were revealed.”
453 pages
This is a deluxe, hardbound Tajweed Qur’an, imported from the Middle East. It features distinct colors for each tajweed rule, making it easier to follow and correct your tajweed recitation of the Holy Qur’an.
ALLAH (SWA) ordered us in his holy book to recite the Quran with tajweed …”recite the quran modulatingly.” the system of tajweed serves as a guide to improve the style of quranic recitation . It was in this way that the holy quran was revealed to prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and also the manner in which he recited it. Therefore, the reader of the holy quran longs to achieve the promise of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH):”whoever recites the quran correctly and proficiently will be with the bountiful dutiful writers (the angels of the preserved tablet – Al lauh Al Mahfuz).
Based on a practical understanding of phonology, we have color-coded the place of some letters to facilitate the correct recitation of the holy quran. This had enabled us to classify these letters within 3 possible categories to enhance the reader’s knowledge and remembrance of tajweed rules.
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