B295 Islamic Legal Rulings Related to Dawah


I advise the scholars and all those who are involved in calling to ALLAH to take advantage of this opportunity and exert all their efforts in calling to ALLAH and teaching the people the reason for their creation; which is worshipping Allah, obeying Him, reading His Book and so on. I advise them to engage in everything they possibly can, including delivering the jumu’ah khutbah along with other sermons during suitable occasions, authoring books and involving themselves with the different types of media outlets such as the radio, television and newspapers.


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    Shaykh ‘Abdul-’Azeez ‘Ibn Baaz said:
    People today are in dire need of da’wah. There is a great reception for it as a reaction to the increasing numbers of callers to falsehood, the outburst of the communist methodology and a great revival amongst Muslims. So people today are turning to Islam, embracing it and increasing their understanding of it according to the news that we hear from around the world.

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