Explanation of the Hadeeth of Hudhayfah: “Indeed we used to be in Ignorance”

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Explanation to a hadīth which clarifies many principles of Minhaj, such as learning and teaching about falsehood in order to avoid it.


SKU: B200. Categories:
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    Miraath al-Anbiyya Publications presents another of its quality semi-hardback books by the senior Salafee scholar ‘Ubayd ibn ‘Abdillāh ibn Sulaymān al-Hamdāni al-Jābirī. This book is translated by ‘Abdul-Ilāh ‘Alī Lahmami and contains a biography of the author and his explanation to this famous hadīth which clarifies many principles of Minhaj, such as learning and teaching about falsehood in order to avoid it.

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    Weight 0.58 lbs

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