Over the last two decades, Europe and the West in general has seen a rise in Jihadist extremism. Radical groups, using methods similar to those pf cult sects, have substantially increased their recruitment of disaffected Muslims.
Extremist groups actively recruit in the west. They target young Muslims and converts to Islam through the internet, on university campuses and in prisons, What are the factors that lead to Jihadist extremism? Who are the ideologies and terrorist activities? This book attempts to answer these questions and many more.
Over the last two decades, Europe and the West in general has seen a rise in Jihadist extremism. Radical groups, using methods similar to those pf cult sects, have substantially increased their recruitment of disaffected Muslims.
Weight | 2 lbs |
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So it is obligatory upon the da’ee (caller) to have ikhlaas (sincerity and purity of intentions and actions) for Allaah – the Mighty and Majestic – neither desiring to show-off, nor desiring reputation, nor desiring the praises and the accolades of the people. Rather, the da’ee should only call to Allaah, seeking the Face of Allaah…and this is the most important etiquette and the greatest quality…
This book serves all of these purposes at once and has been written specifically with all of this in mind. The utterance of the two testifications (shahādatān) regarding monotheism (tawḥīḍ) and messengership (risālah) enters a person into Islām.
All praise is due to Allāh, the Lord of all that exists. I bear witness that none deserves to be worshiped in truth except Allāh alone with no partners and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and messenger (may Allāh send Salāh and peace upon him, his family, and his companions all-together).
As for what follows:
Verily, the subject matter of this treatise is extremely important and it is worthy of deep study and a good deal of time due to its magnitude, importance and urgent need.
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