B117 Arousing the Intellects with an Explantion of Umdatal-Ahkam: Book of Zakah & Fasting
Fasting, Fiqh-Worship, Hadith $19.99As-Siyaam (Fasting) in the language means: Refraining from a thing.
In the legislation it means refraining from food, drink, and the rest of the nullifiers; from the appearance of the second Fajr to the setting of the sun, in worship of Allaah, the mighty and majestic.Allaah has obligated fasting upon his slaves within every religion.
Allaah, the exalted, has said: “O You who believe! Observing As-Sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you is it was prescribed for those before you. That you may become al- muttaqun (pious)”.
B121 Advices of Abu Ad-Darda
Biographies-History $7.99Adh-Dhahabee said in his biography of Abu Ad-Dardaa,
“Abu Ad-Dardaa was an Imaam to be followed, the judge of Damascus, the wise man of this Ummah, and the best of the reciters of Damascus. -
B122 Explanation of Riyadh us-Saliheen: Chapter on Moderation in Acts of Obedience
Hadith $10.99In this manner, the person should or rather must act moderately in acts of obedience. So you should not burden yourself with what you cannot bear because when the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) heard about the three individuals, one of whom said, “Indeed, I will not wed women,” and the second said, “I will observe fasting and never break it,” and the third said, “I will stand up in prayer at night and will not sleep”; he (alayhi salatu wa salaam) delivered a speech in which he said,“What is the matter with those who say such and such, indeed I pray at night and sleep, I observe fasting and break it, and I wed women? For whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not from me.”
B127 Reflecting on Allah’s Statement “The Good Pleasure From Allah is Greater”
Quran $6.99It is befitting for the Muslim to place this noble verse within his heart and to be diligent upon making it present within his mind in every situation and in every place and every circumstance. This is because, if this verse stands within the heart and that which it indicates is one’s objective and his aim and desire, then all of his conditions would be rectified and all of his affairs would be beautified. His statement, Glorified and Exalted be He:
“The Good Pleasure from Allaah is greater.”