B142 Be Salafee Upon the Path
Minhaj-Methodology $14.99He clarifies why one should openly manifest the madh-hab of the Salafus-Saalih, name oneself with as-Salafiyyah, and brings some of the evidences of why it is obligatory to follow and cling to this noble madh-hab. Other topics explained includes, the manhaj of the Salafus-Saalih in aqeedah in contrast to the mank of the People of Desires. He concludes with a brief explanation of the position of the Salafus-Saalih in refuting the innovators and provides guidance on how Ahlus-Sunnah should deal with the People of Desires.
B143 Short Biography of the Prophet & His Ten Companions
Biographies-History $9.99Short Biographies of the Ten Companions Who were given the Titles of Paradise are mentioned below: Abu Bakr As-Siddiq Abu Hafs, `Umar bin Al-Khattab Abu `Abdullah, `Uthman bin `Affan Abul-Hasan, `Ali bin Abu Talib Abu Muhammad, Talhah bin `Ubaidullah Abu Abdullah, Az-Zubair bin AI-`Awwam Abu Ishaq, Sa`d bin Abu Waqqas Abul-A`war, Said bin Zaid bin `Amr Abu Muhammad `Abdur-Rahman bin `Awf bin `Abd `Awf Abu `Ubaidah, `Aamir bin `Abdullah bin Al-Jarrah
B148 Golden Stories of Sayyida Khadijah Mother of the Believers
Biographies-History, Women-Family $19.99This book includes authentic accounts highlighting her intelligence, commitment to the deen, sincere belief in Allah ta ala, and her perseverance during the most difficult circumstances.
B149 The Biography of Zaid Ibn Thaabit
Biographies-History $17.99Scholars have greatly praised Zaid ibn Thaabit. Ibn Abdul-Barr said “They say that Zaid excelled others in two things: The Quran and the knowledge of the law of inheritance.” Malik ibn Anas said: “The people’s leader in al-Madinah after Umar was Zaid. And the people’s leader after Zayd was Abdullah ibn Umar. Ibn Sad reported that Zayd was one of the six prominent leaders in Fatwa among ‘Umar, Ali, Ibn Masoud, Ubayy, and Abu Musa.”
B151 Biography of Imam Ahmad
Biographies-History $11.99He was an Imam in Fiqh, Hadith, and many other sciences.
B152 Biography of Imam Az-Zuhri
Biographies-History $14.99This is the biography of an upright scholar, an erudite narrator of hadith, a brilliant and generous scholar: Imam Az-Zuhri.
B153 Biography of Imam Sufyan ath-Thawri
Biographies-History $11.99He was a scholar who illuminated the world with his knowledge and who revived certain aspects of the Prophet’s Sunnah that would otherwise have been forgotten.
B154 Biography of Imam Sa’eed bin Musayyab
Biographies-History $13.99This book is a biography of the chief of At-Tabieen and the leader of the Muslims in his time Imam Saieed bin Al-Musayyab – may Allah have abundant mercy upon him.
B155 Biography of Imam Sufyan ibn Uyaynah
Biographies-History $13.99This is the biography of notable Imam, Sufyan ibn Uyaynah, may Allah have mercy on him, who linked the generation of the Tabi’in with that of the followers of Atba al-Atba.