B187 Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah “The Caliphate of Banu Ummayyah” Vol. 7
Biographies-History $29.99Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah (The Beginning and The End) by the renowned scholar Abu Al-Fida ‘Imad ad-Deen Isma’eel bin ‘Umar ibn Katheer is considered one of the most authoritative sources on Islamic history. This Book covers many Important Names Including: • Mua’wiyah Bin Abi Sufyan • Al Hasan & Al-Husain bin Abi Talib • Umar bin Abdul ‘Azeez the fifth Righteous Khalif and Famous Umayyad • Yazeed, Marwan, al-Hakam, Az-Zubair, Abdul Malik Ibn Ziyad and many more.
B196 Ten Principles Concerning Purification of the Soul
General $5.99Purification of the soul is by way of the legislative methods, balance, and moderation, such that there is neither negligence nor exaggeration. Instead, it is by clinging to the guidance of the prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and his firm methodology.
I will mention, within this concise work, ten importance principles which will assist the Muslim in purifying and strengthening his soul as well as cleansing it from everything which would sully and defile it.
B20 The Necessity Of Conforming to the Understanding of Salaf
General, Minhaj-Methodology $8.99Furthermore, in seeking the correct understanding of Islam, he makes clear the status of the Companions when he says, ‘No matter how much an individual excels in intelligence, aptitude and cleverness, he cannot do without the understanding of the Salaf.
Even great Scholars like Shaafi’ee, Malik, Ahmed, Abu Haneefa and others were in great need of referring back to the illustrious companions (may Allah be pleased with them). Ash- Shaafi’ee said: ‘The companions are superior to us in all aspects of knowledge, intelligence and understanding.’’
B202 Rights Of The Spouses
Marriage, Women-Family $7.99Islam gives importance to every affair of life. Thus, there is not an aspect of your life—O Muslim—except that Islam clarifies and explains it. And this is from its concern for rectifying and unifying the community. And because the rectification of the community follows the rectification of the family, and the unity of the community is a result of the unity of the family, and the happiness of the family is connected to the spouses, Islam gives a great deal of importance to the spouses.
As it relates to the rights of the spouses—O brothers, O beloved—there are rights before the engagement, rights at the time of the engagement, rights at the time of the marriage contract, and rights which remain throughout the affair of marriage.
by Shaykh Sulayman Ruhaylee
71 pages
B204 Description Of The Prophet’s Prayer (A Textbook On The Prayer)
Fiqh-Worship $11.99The intent behind the compilation of the book was clearly noted by the author, and he stated, “I did not come across a book (on prayer) that covered the topic comprehensively, so I felt obliged to produce a book that collected together as many features of the Prophet’s prayer (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as possible, from the takbeer (opening of the prayer) to the tasleem (concluding of the prayer)…” He further asserted his preferred methodology employed in the book, by adopting strict principles of adhering to the authentic Sunnah, and the difficult task he was faced in ensuring that. It has thus developed into a study text, and a valuable primer setting a standard in reviving the method of our prayer – and becoming a means in perfecting our servitude towards Allah in the Prophetic manner. It is our hope that this new English rendering will ensure an earnest continuation in helpingMuslims who wish to follow the guidance of their Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) in their daily worship. And that the utilisation of this work becomes a catalyst for those who truly love the Prophet (may Allah bestow His Mercy upon him) in fulfilling his command to, “Pray as you have seen me praying.”