Explanation of Riyadh us-Saliheen Chapters on Repentance, Prohibition of Backbiting & Tale-Bearing
Fiqh-Worship, Hadith $9.99In this volume, we have selected the all-important topic on Repentance (Tawbah) and the prohibition of backbiting (Ghibah) and tale bearing (Namimah). Discover the true meanings, details and evidences with respects to these subjects which are relevant to every Muslim household.
Explanation of the Four Rules Regarding Shirk
Aqeedah-Creed $23.99In this book, the author explains the dangerous concept of shrik through four simple principles. The sin of shirk – or associating partners with Allah – is the most reprehensible act that a person can do. It is for this reason that this sin is the one sin that Allah has promised He will never forgive.
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Explanation of the Hadeeth of Hudhayfah: “Indeed we used to be in Ignorance”
Hadith, Minhaj-Methodology$7.99Original price was: $7.99.$4.99Current price is: $4.99.Explanation to a hadīth which clarifies many principles of Minhaj, such as learning and teaching about falsehood in order to avoid it.
Explanation of the Hadith: When Allah wants good for a person He bestows on him Fiqh of the Religion
Hadith, Learning-Studying $9.99The word, “good” is mentioned in an indefinite form (in Arabic) to attach a level of importance and clarify the abundance of good to whomever Allāh bestows Fiqh of the religion which by it is a means for one’s victory and success. The servant finding happiness in having Fiqh of the religion, devoting oneself to it, regularly attending the sittings of knowledge, being delighted with reading the books from the people of knowledge, also studying and memorizing is among the signs of good for the servant.
The servant should set aside a portion of his day for seeking knowledge. An avenue in which he acquires knowledge is that he doesn’t let a day pass by without obtaining it. Doing this should be among the objectives that the Muslim strives for daily and is serious about acquiring beneficial knowledge. Rather this is the most significant objective the Muslim seeks and strives for its obtainment.
Explanation of the Poem Al-Lamiyah by Shaikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
Aqeedah-Creed $7.99It has been mentioned by the Scholar of Iraq, Nʿumān al-Ālūsī, in his excellent book Jalā al-ʿAynayn Lī Muhākamah al-Aḥmadayn, and Shaykh ʿAbd al-Salām b. Burjis mentioned this poem as being amongst the poetry of Ibn Taymīyah in his work al-Ṣaḥīḥ Min al-Naẓm al-Faṣīḥ Lī Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymīyah; and a number of Scholars have explanations of this poem, from them is Shaykh Ahmad al-Mardawī (d. 1236H) written almost two hundred years ago, Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymīyah (V) said: “As for Ahl al-Sunnah Wa al-Ḥadīth, then it is not known that any of their scholars nor righteous common-folk ever renounced their doctrine and creed. Rather, they were the most patient of the people upon that, even if they were tested with all types of tests and trialed with all types of tribulations.” Naqḍ al-Manṭiq, p. 42.
Explanation of the Treatise Four Principles of Shirk
Aqeedah-Creed $5.99When the believer becomes aware that when Shirk is mixed with Tawheed it becomes corrupted just like when al-hadath corrupts purification then he should become aware that it is necessary to learn Tawheed and Shirk as it really is, so he would not fall into Shirk.
Because Tawheed by definition is the religion of Allah, it is Islam, it is the guidance. So when a person does any type of Shirk this nullifies his Islam, this nullifies his religion.
Aqeedah-Creed $10.00This is a brief essay in which I have included an explanation of
what the Imam of the blessed da’wah Al-Shaikh Muhammad
Allah have mercy upon him)
provided, as evidence for the conditions of (La Ilaha Illa Allah
– there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah) and I have
abridged it (facilitation by Allah in explaining the evidences of
the conditions of La Ilaha Illa Allah). -
Fatherly Advice: The Advice Of Abu Walid al-Baji To His Sons (An-Nasihah Al-Waladiyyah)
Children, Women-Family $5.99You will succeed in the most profitable trade. You will obtain the best of the dunya and the Hereafter. You will be blessed with Allah’s protection in your religion and your dunya. He will guard your life and your return to Him. I entrust all of your affairs to Him, and He is sufficient for me and the best disposer of your affairs.