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  • B338 Four Essays on the Obligation of Veiling

    , $12.00

    This book consists of four seperate treatises from different authors on the subject of Hijaab and veiling compiled into one book.

  • B33a Collection from Riyadh-Us-Saaliheen (Pocket Size)


    Imam Nawawi was a great scholar of Hadith and Fiqh of his time. He compiled Riyad-us-Saliheen which acclaimed an important position in the Hadith Collections. It is an extremely popular and useful compilation of authentic hadith.

  • B344 The Explanation of Al-Aqidah Al-Wasitiyyah


    We believe in Allah the Exalted, by His beautiful names and lofty attributes, which are affirmed in the Quran and the authentic Sunnah in a way which are befitting to His majesty; without Tahreef (distortion) or ta’teel (negating) or takyeef (saying how) and tamtheel (likeness to creation). Rather we say: All of his attributes are true and all of His names are beautiful. We affirm for Allah, what He has affirmed for Himself, what His prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), has affirmed for Him, and what the companions of the prophet,(Radiallahu anhum), have affirmed for Him; in what which is befitting to His majesty. His attributes do not resemble the attributes of the creation, and His names do not resemble the names of His creation. He has beautiful names, and they have great meanings.

    216 pages

  • B345 La Ilaha Illa Allah (Its Meaning, Its Conditions, Nullifiers And Virtues)


    Verily, the foremost matter individuals should put to effect is:
    To learn the purpose for which Allah created them, took the covenant upon them, sent His Messengers to them, sent down His divine scriptures. For this purpose, the worldly life, the Hereafter, the paradise and the hell-fire were created. Additionally, owing to this purpose, the Day of Judgement will be established, the scales of deeds will be set, the sheets of deeds will be scattered, and sorrow and happiness will be on that Day and on which light will be distributed.
    Allah says,
    “And he for whom Allah has not appointed light, for him there is no light.”
    Allah instructs us that we are created to worship Him. The backbone and foundation of worship is Tawheed; with which all the Messengers had been missioned to proclaim, The simple profession that comprises Tawheed in its entirety is very short, copious of implications, and critically significant; it is:
    “La ilaha ill Allah”

    204 pages

  • B346 JINN

    • Types of Jinn and their Names
    • Physical Appearance of the Jinn
    • Powers and Abilities of the Jinn
    • Shape-Shifters
    • Advanced Technology of the Jinn
    • Sleep Paralysis and the Jinn
    • Jinn Possession
    • The Evil Rebellious Jinn
    • The Hideous Appearance of Shaytan
    • Transportation of the Jinn
    • Food and Drink of the Jinn
    • Dwellings of the Jinn
    • Lifespan of the Jinn
  • B350 Essential Questions & Answers On the Salaafee Methodology


    In this time of political turmoil and social upheavals, many sects claim to follow the way of the Salaf, yet their actions and what they call to are contrary to what the Salaf were upon. They entice the people with rhetoric, calling them to misguidance, leading them to the Hellfire. Thus it is imperative that the Muslim arms himself with knowledge, knowledge of what Salafiyyah is and the ability to recognise who the true Salafees really are.

    74 pages


  • B354 Tafsir Surah Al-Kahf (Revised / 2nd Edition)


    “Whoever recites Soorah Al Kahf on the day of Jumu’ah, will have a light that will shine from him from one Friday to the next” Declared authentic by Shaykh Al Albani.

    The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: Whoever recites Soorah Al Kahf as it was revealed, he will have a light on the Day of Judgment, from his place to Mecca. And whoever recites ten verses from the end of it then when the Dajjal appears, he will not harm him. And whoever performs wudoo and says: ‘Subhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdika, ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Anta, astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaika (O Allah, You are free from every imperfection; praise be to You. I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except You; I seek Your forgiveness and turn to You in repentance), it will be written for him in a parchment, and it will be placed in a seal, and it will not be broken until the Day of Judgment.

    Declared authentic by Shaykh Al Albani

    304 pages