B395 The Principle Of Love And Desire
General $23.99The Principle of Love and Desire is one of Ibn Taymiyyah’s many important works on ‘aqīdah.
B400 Seeds of Admonishment & Reform
General $15.99Being a timely translation, its message reflects the challenge of the human condition that continues to divert mankind with the blinding effect of this transient and material world – and brings back the real focus on mankind’s purpose and responsibility on earth. In ‘Fada’il al-Dhikr’, Ibn Jawzi wrote that one of the Salaf said: “O son of Adam! You need your share in this life, but need your share in the Hereafter even more. If you (only) took care of your share in this life, then you will lose your share in the Hereafter and are soon bound to lose your share in this life too. However, if you took care of your share in the Hereafter, you will also win your full share in this life with ease.” The author has extracted from an array of topics what will jolt the hearts and moisten the eyes, while strengthening the resolve to return to Allah and aspire for loftier goals to succeed in this life and the next. And there is no might or power, except with Allah.
B410 The Deviation of the Youth
Children, Women-Family $5.99A spoiled youth is a spoiled future as the author explains, “For the youth, as it relates to the Ummah, is like the heart to the body. If the heart is rectified, then the entire body is rectified, and if it is corrupted, then the entire body is corrupted and will deviate, and that will subsequently affect the entire society.” To counter this destructive phenomenon, this timely book illuminates and addresses these modern forces of youthful deviation, offering clear and wise advice to remediate them.
B418 The Status of the Companions
Aqeedah-Creed, Minhaj-Methodology $9.99The Status of the companions of Muhammad (Peace be upon him) verily they have, by Allah, a status and a great position with Allah the Blessed and Exalted, and with His Messenger (Peace be upon him) and with the true believers.