Prophetic Ahadith in Condemnation of Racism
Hadith $6.99Generation after generation was destroyed by wars because a man would seek the aid of his tribe, even if he was upon falsehood and the likes of that from trivial causes and despicable motives. So Islam came to erase all of these loathsome outward practices in their lives when it made them equal with regards to the rights, and it made their slogans of allegiance to, al-Islam. And Islam made them excel over one another due to taqwa; (righteousness) and obedience to Allah. So there is no excellence for an Arab over a non-Arab, nor is there any excellence for a non-Arab over an Arab, nor for a white person over a black one, nor for a black person over a white one, except due to taqwa.
Ranks of the Fearful
General $9.99In this short book, ‘ الخوف حقيقته وبيان درجته/ Al-Khawf Haqiqatihi wa Bayan Darajatihi’ , Imam Ibn Qudamah brings disquieting realities of fearing Allah in a unique perspective; elucidating some profound insight into the topic, its reality and merits, types and levels and cures that bring about fear.
This book also discusses causes that lead to a bad ending for people on this earth, while taking rooted examples from the lives of the fearful ones from among the Angels, Prophets and our righteous predecessors.