B70 Logical Proofs for the Oneness & Perfection of Allah
Aqeedah-Creed $7.99Accordingly, Allah alerted mankind to this logical categorization that is clear to any logical person. He said:
“Were they created by nothing, or were they themselves the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, but they have no firm Belief.”
B71 Islamic Rulings For Incarcerated Muslims Vol. 1
Fiqh-Worship $9.99This publication is a compilation of Islaamic Verdicts from Scholars such as: Shaykh Wasee-‘Ullaah ‘Abbaas Shaykh ‘Alee at-Tuwayjaree Shaykh Ahmad Bazmool Shaykh Sulayman ar-Ruhaylee Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee Shaykh ‘Ubayd al-Jaabiree Shaykh Khaalid ar-Raddaadee Shaykh ‘Alee Naasir al-Faqihee Shaykh ‘Abdullaah al-Jarboo’a Shaykh ‘Umar as-Sumaalee Shaykh Taraaheeb ad-Dawsiree Shaykh ‘Abdullaah al-Bukhaaree Therefore from the aforementioned you should take notice that this is a ground breaking publication because of its nature, and because these Scholars have not yet been included in any books of Fataawaa in the English language to our knowledge. We pray that you benefit so that we may benefit, Aameen
B77 Issue the Muslim Woman Should Concern Herself With
Women-Family $13.99I decided to select single sections from my book ath-Thammaar al-Yaani’ah min al-Kalimaat al-Jaami’ah (The Ripe Fruits taken from the Comprehensive Words), issues concerning the Muslim woman towards her Lord, her religion, her temporal life and her hereafter… I have singled out these issues to be easily referenced, light carrying, and derived from the speech of His messenger, peace be upon him, in addition to the scholars who verified (the correct from the false).
164 pages
B79 The Authentic Musnad Of Reasons For The Descending Of Revelation
Quran $29.99(Revised Second Edition)
Shaykh Muqbil (Rahimahullah) stated : “Knowing the reason why the verse was revealed helps us to understand its meaning. Some of the verses were difficult for some of the Companions of the Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and those after them to understand until they knew the reason why they were revealed.”
453 pages
B81 Perfect Solutions From the Quran for the World’s Greatest Problems
Quran $11.99In contrast to that, from the most astonishing of matters, yet not strange, is that despite the rise of the other nations in these times as regards astonishing industrial production, miraculous inventions, and awesome power, they do not increase in anything but misery. This is to the extent that their civilization, although they are amazed by it and it is submitted to by other nations, is under the threat of total destruction at all times.
B82 Explanation of the Comprehensive Worship Exclusively For Allah Alone
Aqeedah-Creed $8.99He said: Among those kinds are:
• Dua’a (Invocation)
• Isti’anah (Asking for help)
• Istigathah (Seeking help)
• Zabh (Sacrifice)
• Nazr (Vow)
• Khaf (Fear)
• Raja (Hope)
• Tawakkul (Trust)
• Inabah (Turning in repentance)
• Mahabah (Love)
• Khashya (fear)
• Ragbah (Wish)
• Rahbah (Fear)
• Ta’alluh (Exaltation)
• Ruku’ (Bowing down)
• Sujud (Prostration)
• Khushu Submissiveness)
• Glorification (Directed to ALLAH alone)