B98 Explanations of the Supplications for the Sick & Afflicted
General $8.00Ibn Al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) said: “This remedy had an effect upon this disease and it removed it to the point that it was as if it never existed. It is the easiest and most convenient form of treatment. If the slave were to properly treat the ailment with Al-Faatihah, he would see an amazing effect in terms of [recovery] and healing.
I had stayed in Makkah for a period of time and some illness had afflicted me. I was not able to find a doctor or any medicine. So I would treat myself with Al-Faatihah and I saw that it has an amazing effect. I would mention that to those who had complained of pain and many of them were healed quickly (by way of it).”
(Al-Jawaab Al-Kaafee p. 5) -
Being Truthful with Allāh
General $7.99All praise is due to Allāh, the Lord of all that exists. I bear witness that none deserves to be worshiped in truth except Allāh alone with no partners and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and messenger (may Allāh send Salāh and peace upon him, his family, and his companions all-together).
As for what follows:
Verily, the subject matter of this treatise is extremely important and it is worthy of deep study and a good deal of time due to its magnitude, importance and urgent need.
Beneficial Answers to Questions on Innovated Methodologies
General, Minhaj-Methodology $17.99Altogether, this combination of a scholar’s guidance and wisdom with a student of knowledge’s research and investigation makes for an incredible and invaluable resource for Muslims everywhere to benefit from.