B04 Commentary on Al-Muzani’s Sharh us-Sunnah
Aqeedah-Creed $9.99The ancient text has been explained by the former Mufti of the Jizan province in Saudi Arabia, al ‘Allamah Ahmad Ibn Yahya an Najmi (d.1429H). The com-
mentary is included to make this work comprehensible and clear to the average Muslim reader. Additional notes have been added from various printings of
Sharhus Sunnah to provide a comprehensive and historical context to the benefits contained herein. So we hope as Imam al-Muzani hoped that this book
will, “clarify to you from the Sunnah an affair that you may make yourself patient in adherence to it and avert thereby the doubtful sayings and the deviation
in the newly-invented affairs of the misguided ones.” -
B05 Explanation to the Beautiful and Perfect Names of Allaah
Aqeedah-Creed $9.99From the most noble and lofty stations of cognisance is to know the Lord, the Glorious, through His beauty. This is the knowledge possessed by the elite of his creation. All of them know Him through an Attribute from amongst His Attributes but those amongst them who have the most complete cognisance are those who know Him through His perfection, magnificence and beauty. There is nothing comparable to Him in any of His attributes, if you were to try and compare their collective outward and inward beauty to the beauty of the Lord, the Glorious; the comparison would be more ineffectual than a faint torch being held against the blazing disk of the sun.
112 pages
B101 Al-Waajibaat: The Obligatory Matters (Self-Study/Teachers Edition)
Aqeedah-Creed, Learning-Studying $24.99As Muslims we have to understand that Islaam is a complete way of life for us. It is a guide for us, perfected by the Lord of the Worlds, and it is upon us to learn about it, and to follow it as best as we are able.
B105 My Hijab, My Path
Learning-Studying, Women-Family $20.00In this work, ‘My Hijaab, My Path’ the compiler has done an excellent job of incorporating material that addresses these numerous issues and questions, explains the true guidelines regarding hijaab, and has brought clarity and insight to the principles involved; not merely from opinion, experience, or personal views, but by referring to the works of those people who are the only inheritors and successors of the Last Messenger of Islaam upon earth, the scholars.
B109 Commentary on Kitab At-Tawheed: 2 Volume
Aqeedah-Creed $49.99The stipulation from the Quran and Authentic Sunnah in-order for an individual’s Tawheed to be sound.
The matters that absolutely contradict a person’s Tawheed rendering it null and void.
The things that only affect its strength causing it to be weak and feeble.
In his usual, clear, investigative, analytic approach the eminent scholar, Shaykh Muhammed bin Saalih Al-Uthaymeen explained Kitaab at-Tawheed. -
B11 The Rights of the Parents in Light of the Qur’an & the Sunnah
Children, Women-Family $7.99Dr. Muhammad Bazmul, a professor at Umm al-Qura University in Makkah al-Mukarramah, discusses the topic of parents’ rights at length in this vital edition to the authentic Islamic literature. The following topics are covered:
” The Ruling of Respecting the Parents. ” The Virtue, Fruit and Benefit of Respecting the Parents. ” The Punishment for Being Undutiful to the Parents. ” The Way to be Respectful to the Parents. ” Various Issues and Rulings pertaining to Respecting the Parents.
B117 Arousing the Intellects with an Explantion of Umdatal-Ahkam: Book of Zakah & Fasting
Fasting, Fiqh-Worship, Hadith $19.99As-Siyaam (Fasting) in the language means: Refraining from a thing.
In the legislation it means refraining from food, drink, and the rest of the nullifiers; from the appearance of the second Fajr to the setting of the sun, in worship of Allaah, the mighty and majestic.Allaah has obligated fasting upon his slaves within every religion.
Allaah, the exalted, has said: “O You who believe! Observing As-Sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you is it was prescribed for those before you. That you may become al- muttaqun (pious)”.
B122 Explanation of Riyadh us-Saliheen: Chapter on Moderation in Acts of Obedience
Hadith $10.99In this manner, the person should or rather must act moderately in acts of obedience. So you should not burden yourself with what you cannot bear because when the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) heard about the three individuals, one of whom said, “Indeed, I will not wed women,” and the second said, “I will observe fasting and never break it,” and the third said, “I will stand up in prayer at night and will not sleep”; he (alayhi salatu wa salaam) delivered a speech in which he said,“What is the matter with those who say such and such, indeed I pray at night and sleep, I observe fasting and break it, and I wed women? For whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not from me.”
B127 Reflecting on Allah’s Statement “The Good Pleasure From Allah is Greater”
Quran $6.99It is befitting for the Muslim to place this noble verse within his heart and to be diligent upon making it present within his mind in every situation and in every place and every circumstance. This is because, if this verse stands within the heart and that which it indicates is one’s objective and his aim and desire, then all of his conditions would be rectified and all of his affairs would be beautified. His statement, Glorified and Exalted be He:
“The Good Pleasure from Allaah is greater.”