Shaikh Abdur-Razzaaq ibn Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad
B196 Ten Principles Concerning Purification of the Soul
General $5.99Purification of the soul is by way of the legislative methods, balance, and moderation, such that there is neither negligence nor exaggeration. Instead, it is by clinging to the guidance of the prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and his firm methodology.
I will mention, within this concise work, ten importance principles which will assist the Muslim in purifying and strengthening his soul as well as cleansing it from everything which would sully and defile it.
On Sale
B229 Ayatul-Kursi & Confirming Proofs of Tawheed
Quran$10.99Original price was: $10.99.$5.99Current price is: $5.99. -
B327 Raising Children in Islam
Children, Women-Family $6.99The author presents the material in an easy to follow format employing evidences from the Qur’an and Sunnah as well as personal suggestions and comments.
In these present times when Muslims are increasing in the West in vast numbers, a book like this is necessary in order to deal with the many issues and questions that arise amongst families trying to raise their children in a correct and proper Islamic manner.
B329 A Glimpse at the Impeccable Character of The Noble Messenger
Biographies-History $11.99The greatest blessing Allaah has bestowed upon this nation is that He sent to them His noble Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) to guide to everything beneficial, during his lifetime an in the future, and to warn them from every harmful thing in this life and in the hereafter.
B356 Stability of the Aqeedah of The Salaf & its Safety From Alteration
Aqeedah-Creed $9.99The Salaf (may Allāh have mercy on them) have enormous efforts in this tremendous arena. They have great actions, and service to the Aqeedah, aiding it, and establishing the significant obligations towards it. They have written hundreds, of books clarifying and explaining it, with proofs and evidence. Rather they have authored thousands of books; some are lengthy while some are concise; some are complete in describing every facet while some are limited to a particular subject matter. Some of these books lay the foundation for the truth and that which is correct while others refute those who oppose.
B373 Directives & Rulings for Finishing the Month of Ramadan
Fasting, Fiqh-Worship $6.99This book highlights the following:
- Zakat al-Fitr
- Saying Allahu Akbar after finishing the days of Ramadhaan
- Rules & regulations dealing withthe ‘Eid prayer.
B48 Ten Prinicples on al-Istiqaamah
General $5.99A common questions for the scholars, students of knowledge, callers to Allaah and the righteous are often concerning al-Istiqaamah, its reality, the things that help to be firm upon Allaah’s straight path, etc. I thought that it would be beneficial for myself and my brothers in Islam to gather some of the important and comprehensive principles on this subject; so that they may be a light for us. I gathered these principles after studying the sayings of the people of knowledge (may Allaah have mercy upon them) about al-Istiqaamah and that which is connected with it. I shall mention in this treatise 10 great principles concerning the topic of al-Istiqaamah. These principles are important for every one of us to pay attention to.
B52 The Effect of the Legislated Statements of Remembrance in Repelling Grief & Anxiety
Fiqh-Worship $6.99The scholars say, If the pain which afflicts the heart is connected with something from the past the it is sadness. If it is connected with something from the future, then it is anxiety. If it I connected to the current condition of the person then it is grief.
Upon investigation into the path to remedy, for grief, and striving to repel and emove this from ones heart, we find that the people are greatly negligent and turn tto variosus directions which are astray from a real remedy. There is nothing which can heal, give ease, give harmony, there is no medicine or cure except in truly returning to Allah the Majestic and High.
B93 Reflections of the Believers Resemblance to the Date Tree
General $9.99A parable is a statement that compares one thing to another due to a resemblance between them in order to clarify one from the other and to form it in the mind, and there is no doubt that using parables and examples improve understanding. It does so by bringing to the mind something tangible. Allah says (and His speech consists of the greatest, most definitive proofs):
“And these similitudes We put forward for mankind, but none will understand them except those who have knowledge (of Allâh and His Signs, etc.).”
B97 The Fiqh of Du’a
Fiqh-Worship $7.99So, the book of Allah, the mighty and majestic, begins with the du’a and ends with it. The du’a, which is within Al-Fatihah, is the greatest of supplications hands down. (It contains) asking Allah, the blessed and high, for guidance to the straight path and that the servant avoids the paths of those who are astray and those upon whom is the anger of Allah. The last of the book of Allah, the mighty and majestic, contains the du’a of seeking refuge with him, glorified and exalted be he, from the evil of the one who whispers and withdraws; the one who whispers into the hearts of mankind; from the jinn as well as men, in order to make them deviate from the straight path of Allah and upright way.
B98 Explanations of the Supplications for the Sick & Afflicted
General $8.00Ibn Al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) said: “This remedy had an effect upon this disease and it removed it to the point that it was as if it never existed. It is the easiest and most convenient form of treatment. If the slave were to properly treat the ailment with Al-Faatihah, he would see an amazing effect in terms of [recovery] and healing.
I had stayed in Makkah for a period of time and some illness had afflicted me. I was not able to find a doctor or any medicine. So I would treat myself with Al-Faatihah and I saw that it has an amazing effect. I would mention that to those who had complained of pain and many of them were healed quickly (by way of it).”
(Al-Jawaab Al-Kaafee p. 5) -
Explanation of the Hadith: When Allah wants good for a person He bestows on him Fiqh of the Religion
Hadith, Learning-Studying $9.99The word, “good” is mentioned in an indefinite form (in Arabic) to attach a level of importance and clarify the abundance of good to whomever Allāh bestows Fiqh of the religion which by it is a means for one’s victory and success. The servant finding happiness in having Fiqh of the religion, devoting oneself to it, regularly attending the sittings of knowledge, being delighted with reading the books from the people of knowledge, also studying and memorizing is among the signs of good for the servant.
The servant should set aside a portion of his day for seeking knowledge. An avenue in which he acquires knowledge is that he doesn’t let a day pass by without obtaining it. Doing this should be among the objectives that the Muslim strives for daily and is serious about acquiring beneficial knowledge. Rather this is the most significant objective the Muslim seeks and strives for its obtainment.
Explanation of the Nulifiers of Islam
Aqeedah-Creed $9.99The door to entering into Islam is ONE however the doors of exits are MANY. Shaykh has explained in this book those ten dangerous matters that takes a Muslim out of the fold of Islam.
The Methodology of Ahlus-Sunnah in Unifying the Ummah
General, Minhaj-Methodology $7.99This is the command of Allaah, the Blessed and High, and His Legislation for His Prophets and the Messengers of Strong Will; establishment of the religion and not dividing in it. This verse contains the most beneficial solution and the safest remedy to quell the differing and to set in order the disarray.
Establishment of the religion is by way of clinging to their religion which Allaah, the Blessed and High, has commanded them with, and preserving it. There is no solution other than this and there is no remedy except it. In establishing the religion, there lies cutting off of the splitting which the people fall into. This is by way of completely returning to the religion.
The Value of Time in the Muslim’s Life
General $5.99This is a series of lectures based on the book The Importance of Time in the Muslim’s Life by Shaykh ‘Abdur Razzaaq Bin Abdul Muhsin Al ‘Abbaad Al-Badr, delivered by Shaykh Abdur Rauf Shakir.
Treasure from the Treasures of Paradise
Aqeedah-Creed $7.99This remembrance has merits and virtues none but Allah fully encompasses – the meanings and implications of which, lead to certainty and solace through strengthening ones’ faith and connection with Allah. This special dhikr is of such importance that the author (may Allah preserve him) saw the need to single it out in this short treatise, entitling it, “The Hawqala: Its meanings, virtues, and creedal implications”. It is hoped Muslims will focus their efforts in meaningfully utilising this phrase and making it a regular feature of their every day lives, along with other types of remembrances of Allah.
Treasures from The Noble Quran : Tafsir of Selected Verses From the Mighty Book
Quran $29.99Author Note: The following is an explanation of some verses from the Mighty Book of Allāh. I wrote it because, while reciting the Noble Qur’ān, I pass by some verses and some of the treasures therein come to mind; thus, I wanted to illustrate those treasures. This goal was achieved—and all praises belong to Allāh—with the writing of this book; and while editing the book, I thought to write concerning some other verses as well.
Ways of Staying Firm Upon the Religion
Aqeedah-Creed $6.99A small excerpt from the book (Ways of staying firm upon the Religion)….
The tribulations that the heart is afflicted with are of two types:
Tribulations of doubts
Tribulations of desires