Shaykh Ibn al-'Uthaymeen
A Commentary on the Poem Al-Bayquniyyah
General, Hadith $14.99The importance of this subject:
The knowledge of usūl al-hadīth is a science that serves the radiant Prophetic traditions; with it one can distinguish the Prophetic narrations in terms of authenticity and fabrication, soundness and weakness.
Al-Imām ‘Abdullāh ibn al-Mubārak said, “The quality of the hadīth is not in the conciseness of the isnād, rather its quality lies in the soundness of its narrators.” -
A Treasury of Guidance For the Muslim Striving to Learn his Religion Bk1 For the Muslim Striving to Learn his Religion
Learning-Studying $9.99A Treasury of Guidance For the Muslim Striving to Learn his Religion: Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Saaleh al-‘Utheimeen: Statements of the Guiding Scholars Pocket Edition 4 by Abu Sukhailah Ibn-Abelahyi al-Amreekee
B109 Commentary on Kitab At-Tawheed: 2 Volume
Aqeedah-Creed $49.99The stipulation from the Quran and Authentic Sunnah in-order for an individual’s Tawheed to be sound.
The matters that absolutely contradict a person’s Tawheed rendering it null and void.
The things that only affect its strength causing it to be weak and feeble.
In his usual, clear, investigative, analytic approach the eminent scholar, Shaykh Muhammed bin Saalih Al-Uthaymeen explained Kitaab at-Tawheed. -
B117 Arousing the Intellects with an Explantion of Umdatal-Ahkam: Book of Zakah & Fasting
Fasting, Fiqh-Worship, Hadith $19.99As-Siyaam (Fasting) in the language means: Refraining from a thing.
In the legislation it means refraining from food, drink, and the rest of the nullifiers; from the appearance of the second Fajr to the setting of the sun, in worship of Allaah, the mighty and majestic.Allaah has obligated fasting upon his slaves within every religion.
Allaah, the exalted, has said: “O You who believe! Observing As-Sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you is it was prescribed for those before you. That you may become al- muttaqun (pious)”.
B122 Explanation of Riyadh us-Saliheen: Chapter on Moderation in Acts of Obedience
Hadith $10.99In this manner, the person should or rather must act moderately in acts of obedience. So you should not burden yourself with what you cannot bear because when the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) heard about the three individuals, one of whom said, “Indeed, I will not wed women,” and the second said, “I will observe fasting and never break it,” and the third said, “I will stand up in prayer at night and will not sleep”; he (alayhi salatu wa salaam) delivered a speech in which he said,“What is the matter with those who say such and such, indeed I pray at night and sleep, I observe fasting and break it, and I wed women? For whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not from me.”
B247 Sittings During the Blessed Month of Ramadan
Fasting, Learning-Studying $31.99This book was printed several times, and then I later decided to comment on it in a summarized manner and then emanate its narrations. I decided to add what I thought was needed to be added, and to delete whatever was unnecessary, which is very seldom. I ask Allâh to make our deeds sincerely for Him Alone and to make this work beneficial for the people. Verily He is the Most Generous, the Most Bounteous.
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Hadith $11.99Definitions and explanation to Hadīth terminology.
B280 Upright Moral Character
General $9.99Based on the scholars’ continual advice to the Muslim youth, combined with the specific need that Muslims in the West have to understand and implement upright moral character, the importance of this book and the need for its translation into the English language becomes crystal clear. And what better guidebook than one based on the character of the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace), authored by an exemplary scholar like Shaykh Ibn al-‘Uthaymeen, known for his outstanding manners!
B338 Four Essays on the Obligation of Veiling
General, Women-Family $12.00This book consists of four seperate treatises from different authors on the subject of Hijaab and veiling compiled into one book.
B354 Tafsir Surah Al-Kahf (Revised / 2nd Edition)
Quran $24.99“Whoever recites Soorah Al Kahf on the day of Jumu’ah, will have a light that will shine from him from one Friday to the next” Declared authentic by Shaykh Al Albani.
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: Whoever recites Soorah Al Kahf as it was revealed, he will have a light on the Day of Judgment, from his place to Mecca. And whoever recites ten verses from the end of it then when the Dajjal appears, he will not harm him. And whoever performs wudoo and says: ‘Subhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdika, ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Anta, astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaika (O Allah, You are free from every imperfection; praise be to You. I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except You; I seek Your forgiveness and turn to You in repentance), it will be written for him in a parchment, and it will be placed in a seal, and it will not be broken until the Day of Judgment.
Declared authentic by Shaykh Al Albani
304 pages
Commentary on Ibn Taymiyyah’s al-Aqidah al- Wasitiyah 2 Volumes
Aqeedah-Creed $49.99Two large deluxe volumes contain a detailed study/explanation on the topic of creed/aqeedah (belief in oneness of Allah). Each volume has golden color page edges.
Explanation of Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab’s Removal of Doubts
Aqeedah-Creed $17.99So this is a concise explanation upon the book of Shaykhul-Islam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab entitled, Removing the Doubts of the People of Shirk. In this book, the author mentions ten odd doubts from the people of Shirk and answers them with excellent answers, relying upon textual proof along with an easily comprehensible meaning and clear expression. I ask Allah (subhaanahu wa ta’aalaa) to reward him for that and to benefit the servants through it. Indeed, Allah is capable of all things.