The Life of Imam Abdul-Abdul Aziz ibn Abdullah Bin Baz


He was a mujaddid who combined knowledge of fiqh with knowledge of hadith. He knew about hadith and their degrees of soundness. He had memorized many volumes of ahadith; he knew all about their narrators and the correct pronunciation of their names. Texts would be proofread and corrected with his help, even though he was blind. He was an ocean of knowledge, conversant with the opinions of different scholars and never at odds with any of them.


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    Shaykh ibn Baz, may Allah have mercy on him, was born in 1330H and grew up in a good family. He memorized the entire Qur’an before the age of puberty and studied with the scholars in his homeland before travelling to seek knowledge in other countries. He lost his eyesight completely at the age of 19, because of illness.

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    Weight .10 lbs

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