Understanding Your Testimony of Faith: 7 Essential Points


This highly significant book, authored by the great scholar, Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab is explained by Shaykh Muhammad Aman al-Jami. The explainer list the seven essential components of La ilaha illallah and meticulously clarifies each one, giving the reader an in-depth understanding of this monumental utterance.


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    Uttering the Muslim’s testimony of faith, the first pillar of Islam, “La ilaha illallah” (There is none worthy of worship except Allah), is very easy on the tongue, but many of us do not understand the depth of its meaning or the implications associated with uttering it. Or if we do, many of fail to implement it in totality. In reality, there is no true worship without knowledge of the meaning of “La ilaha illallah,” and implementing it. “Knowledge is the foundation! Knowledge precedes all statements and actions. Knowledge is the basis [of everything].”

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