Shaykh Rabī’ ibn Hādī al-Madkhalī
Shaykh Rabī’ ibn Hādī ibn Muhammad ‘Umayr al-Madkhalī.He is from the tribe of Madākhilah, a famous tribe in the southern part of Saudi Arabia. He was born in a small village called Jarādiyah, located west of the town Sāmitah.He was born in 1351 A.H. and his father passed away while he was still an infant, so he was raised in the house of his mother. She took charge of raising him and taught him good manners and characteristics, such as being earnest about performing the prayers. She would make him go pray in the masjid with his paternal uncle. He joined the lessons being taught in his village at the age of eight. He studied the Qur’ān, Tajwīd and Tawhīd under Shaykh Muhammad ibn Muhammad Jābir al-Madkhalī. Afterwards he attended the Salafi School of Sāmitah. Among those whom he studied under there is Shaykh Nāsir Khalūfah at-Tiyāsh Mubāraki who was a major student of the well-known scholar, ash-Shaykh ‘Abdullāh al-Qar’āwī. After this he attended the Educational Institute in Sāmitah and studied under many of the noble scholars who were there, namely the great scholar, al-Hāfidh al-Hākamī , as well as his brother Shaykh Muhammad al-Hākamī . As well as al-‘Allāmah Ahmad ibn Yahyā an-Najmī and al-‘Allaamah Doctor Muhammad Amān al-Jāmī . He also studied the Fiqh book Zād ul-Mustaqni with the Faqīh Muhammad Sagheer Khamīsī. There are also many others whom the Shaykh studied under. He graduated from the Educational Institute in 1380 A.H. and in 1381 A.H. he joined the faculty of Sharee’ah in Riyāḍ for one or two months. Then when the Islāmic University of al-Madīnah opened, he moved and attended the faculty of Sharee’ah there for a period of four years and in 1384 A.H. he graduated with a grade of mumtāz (i.e., excellent).
His Teachers at the University of al-Madīnah:
al-‘Allāmah Shaykh ‘Abdul Aziz ibn Baaz under whom he studied al-‘Aqeedah atTahaawiyyah. al-‘Allāmah Shaykh ‘Abdul Muhsin al-‘Abbaad, under whom he studied Fiqh for three years along with the book Bidā‘Allāmah Shaykh Muhammad Nāsir ud-Dīn al-Albaani, under whom he studied the subject of Hadīth and its chains of narration. Al-‘Allāmah Shaykh Muhammad al-Amīn ashShinqītī, author of the tremendous book tafsīr Adwaa ul-Bayān, under whom he studied tafsīr
and ‘Usul ul-Fiqh for four years. Shaykh Sālih al-‘Irāqī, under whom he studied
‘Aqeedah. Al-Muhaddith Shaykh ‘Abdul-Ghaffār Hasan al-Hindī, under whom he studied ‘Ulūm ulHadīth
and its terminologies.
Upon graduating from the University of al-Madīnah he began teaching there for a while and after this he attended the Department of Higher Studies at Umm ul-Qurā University in Makkah where he obtained his Master’s Degree in 1397 A.H. and his Doctorate Degree in 1400 A.H., both in the subject of Hadīth. His character: He is renowned for his humility with his students, visitors, questioners and his brothers in Islām. His shelter, clothing and means of transportation is modest, for he does not like luxury in these matters. He is always polite and with a pleasant demeanor, never exhausting his students with too much speech.His lessons are always filled with the Sunnah and
narrating ahādīth and warning against innovation and its people. He loves the Salafī students of knowledge and is courteous with them. He treats them affectionately and strives to the best of his ability to help them with their physical and financial needs. He always welcomes the students of knowledge into his home, to the degree that not a single day goes by that he can eat breakfast, lunch or dinner alone. He is from those who call to the Qur’ān and the Sunnah and the ‘Aqīdah of the Salaf and he is one of the scholars of our time who defends the methodology of the Salaf us-Sālih, night and day, in seclusion and in the open, without letting the blame of the blamers deter him.
The Shaykh has written many important books, most of which we have not listed here, as this
list was not meant to be exhaustive:
- The Methodology of the Prophets in calling to Allāh.
- The Status of the Messenger and His Rights.
- The Status of Jesus in Islām.
- The Status of the Companions in Islām.
- The Status of the People of Hadīth.
- The Rights and Obligations Upon Men and Women in Islām.
- An Explanation of Imām Ahmad’s Foundation of the Sunnah.
- The Necessity of Conforming to the understanding of the Salaf.
- An advice to the Salafis Living in the West.
- The Methodology of Ahlus-Sunnah on Criticizing Individuals, Books and Groups.
- At-Taqwā and its Effects and the Characteristics of the Pious.
- An Explanation of the Advice of Luqmān the Wise to His Son.
- Reasons For Deviation From the Truth
- Answers of the Esteemed Scholar Rabi’ Ibn Hadi al-Madkhali on Questions Related to Minhaj
- A Study on Selected Ahadeeth of the Prophet
- If You Obey Him, You Will Be GuidedFor more on the Shaykh or his works go to his website
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