Saalih Aal ish-Shaikh

Shaikh Saalih bin ‘Abdul-‘Aziz Aal ush-Shaikh was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 1378H and was raised in a home filled with knowledge and religion. He is a descendant of Imām Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhāb, rahimahullah, and his lineage can be traced back to the tribe of Banu Tameem.

He completed high school in Riyadh and due to his strong desire to have his studies focus on religious knowledge, he enrolled in the Imām Muhammad bin Sa’ud University and enrolled in the College of Usūl ud-deen under the department of Quranic Studies. After graduation he worked there as a teacher until 1416H, when he was appointed Vice-Minister of the Committee for Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Calling and Guidance.

Then in 1420 he was appointed the Minister of this committee, a role held along with overseeing the establishment of various charitable organizations. Since his youth he devoted himself to seeking knowledge and researching issues in the same manner as the senior Salafee scholars. The Shaikh reads extensively and researches the rulings of his grandfather, the former Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Shaikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahīm Aal ush-Shaikh. He devoted himself to studying his rulings to the point that he understood their meanings, terminologies and the objectives behind them.

To achieve this he would first seek the help of Allahu ta’ala, then from senior scholars like his father Shaikh ‘Abdul-Aziz bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim, Shaikh ‘Abdul-‘Aziz bin Bāz, al-Mufti Shaikh ‘Abdul-‘Aziz Aal ush-Shaikh and the former president of the Permanent Committee of Higher Judicial Council Shaikh ‘Abdullah ‘Aqeel. He also studied under Shaikh Hammad al-Ansārī and Shaikh ‘Abdullah al-Ghudayān. He has obtained ijāzah (authorization) from a number of scholars from Saudi Arabia and abroad.

He has participated in numerous conferences around the world and has authored many works which students of knowledge strive to acquire due to their comprehensiveness and precision.

• Legislated Solutions Which Address Common Doubts

• Clarifying Common Mistakes Widespread Among the Muslims

• The Rules and Etiquettes of Ruqyah 💻

• Advices of Abu Ad-Dardaa

• Interpretation of Kitab ut-Tawhid: The Destination of the Seekers of Truth

• An explanation of the Four Rules Regarding Shirk

• Islamic Principles for the Muslim Attitude During Fitan 💻

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