Ibn ul-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
He is the ‘Allamāh, the Hāfidh, the Faqih, the Mufassir, the Imām Abū ‘Abdullāh Shams ud-dīn Muhammad bin Abi Bakr. He was born on the 7th of Safar, 691H in a village called Zar‘, close to Damascus, Syria and he died on the 13th of Rajab at 60 years of age.
He began seeking knowledge in his youth and became one of the greatest scholars of Islam. He had many teachers from whom he learned various Islamic sciences, but suffice it to mention that he studied under Shaikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah for 16 years and accompanied him until his death.
He was a pious worshipper, accomplished author and his books are staples in the study of every Islamic discipline. He was such a prolific writer, he’s known as “The Heart Doctor” from the effects his writings have on the reader. His writings are filled with wisdom, research and evidence that clearly shows why he attained a level of knowledge that no one is unaware of. His students include Ibn Kathir [d.774], Imam adh-Dhahabī [d.748H] and Ibn Rajab [d.751H] just to name a few.
Books authored by him available in English:
- One Hundred Pieces of Advice
- How to Escape Sins: Ways to Refrain from Disobedience
- Sins and Their Punishments
- Principles Concerning Patience & Gratitude
- The Evils of Music: The Devil’s Voice & Instrument
- Supporting the Distressed Against the Tricks of Satan
- The Characteristics of the Hypocrites
- A Chapter on the Dispraise of al-Hawaa
- Provisions for the Hereafter
- The Keys to Happiness
- The Paragons of the Qur’an
- Inner Dimensions of the Prayer
- The Biography of Imām Ibn ul-Qayyim
- Al-Fawa’id
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