Muhammad bin Sa’eed Raslān

He is Abū ‘Abdullah Muhammad bin Sa’eed Raslān (May Allahu ta’ala preserve him). He was born on the 23rd of November, 1955 CE, in a village called Subkul-Ahad, which is in the middle of Ashmūn, in the province of al-Munufiyyah, Egypt.

He has a Bachelors Degree from al-Azhār University in medicine and surgery, also he obtained an ijāzah (license) from the Department of Arabic Language and from the branch of Islamic Studies he has an ijāzah for a collection of forty ahadīth called “al-Arba’un al-Buldaniyyah” with an isnād (route of transmission) from him back to the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم).

He also obtained a Masters Degree then a PhD in the Science of Hadīth with a grade of excellence in both. His thesis for the former is titled “Accuracy of Narrations of the Scholars of Hadīth” and his thesis for the latter is “The Narrators Accused of Innovation From the Men of the Six Books of Hadīth” and he received marks of high honors for both.

He has authored nearly one hundred books in various sciences of Islam. He currently has a camp in Egypt with students from various parts of the world. Many scholars such as Shaikh Sa’d ‘Abdur-Rahman al-Husain, Shaikh Falāh Isma’il al-Mandakar and Shaikh Hasan ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhāb al-Banna have mentioned his knowledge and wisdom with classes, verdicts and books calling to Allah upon the methodology of the Salaf and refuting those who oppose it without fearing the blame of the blamers.

[Adapted from “The Explanation of the Comprehensive Worship Exclusively For Allah Alone” ©1433H/2012 CE Authentic Statements Publishing, Philadelphia, PA USA]

Books authored by the Shaikh available in English:

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