‘Abdul-Aziz Ibn ‘Abdullah Aal ush-Shaikh

He is the Noble Shaikh ‘Abdul-Aziz Ibn ‘Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul-Lateef Aal ush-Shaikh. He was born in Riyadh in 1362H which corresponds to 1941 and suffered from poor eyesight until he became blind in 1960.

He began seeking knowledge by studying the Qur’an at Masjid Ahmad ibn Sanaan and completed his memorization of the Qur’an at twelve years old. He then sought knowledge from the scholars in their gatherings and in 1954 he transferred to the Imaam ad-Da’wah Institute and graduated from its College of Shari’ah in 1962.

After graduating he worked at the Imaam ad-Da’wah al-‘Ilmee Institute until 1971, then he transferred to teaching at the College of Shari’ah at the University of Imaam Muhammad ibn Sa’ud in Riyadh until 1991.

In 1986 he was made a member of the Council of Senior Scholars and afterwards was made a member of the Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Verdicts,where he was appointed deputy to the Grand Muftee of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia AshShaikh ‘Abdul-Aziz ibn Baz in 1995 and succeeded him after Shaikh ‘Abdul-Aziz ibn Baz passed away.

His official website is www.mufti.org.sa

Works by him available in English:

• Islamic Legal Rulings Related to Hajj and ‘Umrah

• Islamic Legal Rulings Related to Da’wah

• Ramadan Fatawa

• Terrorism: Its Reasons and the Means to Remedy it

• Islamic Rulings Regarding the Qur’an

• Islamic Fatawa Regarding the Muslim Child

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