Muhammad bin Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen
He is the Imaam, the ‘Allamah, the Shaikh Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad ibn Saalih ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Uthaymeen at-Tameemi an-Najdi. He was born in the city of Unayzah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the 27th of Ramadan in the year 1347H which corresponds to 1926. He died 74 years old on a Wednesday on the 15th of Shawwal 1421H which corresponds to January 10, 2001.
His teachers include Shaikh Abdur-Rahman as-Sa’di, Shaikh Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shanqeeti and Shaikh Bin Baz رحمهم الله.
The Shaikh has many students as he taught Usool ud-deen at the Islamic University of Imaam Muhammad ibn Sa’ud in Qaseem. He was also a member of the Council of Senior Scholars. The extent of the Shaikh’s knowledge is so great that he was considered an expert in a great deal of the Islamic sciences including Usool, Fiqh and grammar. His research and religious verdicts are a testament to his scholarship and his adherence to the Qur’an and the Sunnah as it was understood by the Salaf or this Ummah. May Allah have mercy upon him. His official website is
Books by the author available in English:
• The Fundamentals of Tafseer
• Tafseer Soorah al-Kahf
• Tafseer Soorah an-Naba
• Explanation of the Three Fundamental Principles
• Explanation of Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab’s Removal of Doubts
• Explanation of the Sufficiency in Creed
• Explanation of Riyadh as-Saliheen
• Beneficial Stories From Riyadh us-Saaliheen
• The Prophet’s Prayer Described
• The Etiquette of Congregational Prayer
• Commentary on Kitab ut-Tawheed
• Commentary on Ibn Taymiyyah’s al-Aqidah al-Wasitiyah
• Commentary on the Poem al-Bayquniyah
• Sittings During the Blessed Month of Ramadan
• Innate Rights According to Islamic Law
• Exemplary Principles Concerning the Beautiful Names and Attributes of Allah
• Four Essays on Veiling
• Treatise on Hijab
• Upright Moral Character
• Bidah: The Unique Nature
• A Daily Routine for the Seeker of Knowledge
• Arousing the Intellects
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