Al-Qawaa’id ul-Fiqhiyyah (Maxims of Fiqh)


The aim is to show the importance of qawa’id in the area of ijtihad and finding out the legal status for the novel issues. This has been presented in the last chapter.


SKU: b476. Category:
  • Description


    For the practical element of the thesis, the discussion aims to present the various practical applications of al-qawa’id al-fiqhiyyah through two means. First, examining the so-called al-qawa’id al-khams al-kubra (the five universal maxims) and al-qawa’id al-kulliyyah (the general maxims), which have been seen as representative of the entire field, due to their large scope of application over the fiqh particulars. The discussion mostly contains the examples that jurists have adduced in the course of history. In some cases, however, examples of contemporary issues have also been added. The main focus is to show the significance of qawa’id in categorizing the scattered and, sometimes, unmanageable fiqh cases into general principles.

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    Weight 4 lbs


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