Since purifying the soul has this level of importance, it is obligatory upon each Muslim who desires good for himself to give great importance to this matter and to struggle against his soul in his life to actualize this praiseworthy goal; in order that he may be successful in his worldly life and his hereafter, and so that he may enjoy true happiness.
The soul has a right upon the Muslim, as the messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) has said:
وان لنفسك عليك حقاً
“Indeed, your soul has a right upon you.”
He has erred who believes that the right of the soul is that one is harsh upon it and deprives it of its rights that Allah has created is with an innate need for. Likewise, he has erred who believes that the right of the soul is that one is negligent and neglectful of its management and leaves it drowning in its lusts, and the likes.
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