B225 The Excellence of Following the Sunnah


In addtion, he discusses the two types of Sunnah: The clear Sunnah and the implied Sunnah.

To conclude, twelve points of benefit summarize the excellence of the Sunnah, its lofty status and clear any misconceptions surrounding this noble topic.


SKU: B225. Categories:
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    The author explains that the Sunnah has two meanings: a lingustic (Arabic) meaning and a religious meaning. He focuses his study on the religious context, expanding upon the different types of Sunan:

    As-Sunnatul-Qawliyyah (speech)
    As-Sunnatul-Fi’liyyah (action)
    As-Sunnatut-Taqreeriyyah (tacit approval)
    As-Sifatul-Khuluqiyyah (tacit approval)

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    Weight .56 lbs

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