B247 Sittings During the Blessed Month of Ramadan


This book was printed several times, and then I later decided to comment on it in a summarized manner and then emanate its narrations. I decided to add what I thought was needed to be added, and to delete whatever was unnecessary, which is very seldom. I ask Allâh to make our deeds sincerely for Him Alone and to make this work beneficial for the people. Verily He is the Most Generous, the Most Bounteous.


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    That which is between your hands Oh reader] are sittings for the Blessed Month of Ramadân that contain many [legislative] rulings concerning fasting, the night prayers, almsgiving, and some other suitable issues for this Blessed Month of Ramadân. I compiled these issues to address them in the day sessions or the night sessions. I have selected speeches of these sessions from the book (entitled) Pleasing the Eyes of Those who can See with the Summarization of the Book of Insight and I have adjusted what is needed to be adjusted from that book. I have mentioned in this book many rules and etiquettes relating to this Blessed Month because of the people’s need for these rulings. And I have named this book Sittings During the Blessed Month of Ramadân.

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    Weight 2 lbs

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