B299 Explanation of the Three Fundamental Principles


English translation of Shaikh Bāz’s explanation of Thalaathatul-Usool (Three Fundamental Principles)


SKU: B299. Category:
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    The book is a small treatise originally authored by Shaikh ul-Islam Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhāb, may Allāh shower His Mercy upon him. Imām Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhāb was requested to write a brief summary of matters to teach the people about Islam. As a result he prepared this booklet which covers the basic fundamentals that every male and female Muslim must learn and act upon. He based his book on the three questions that everyone will be asked in the grave, “Who is your Lord?”, “Who is your Prophet?” and “What is your religion”. Imām Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhāb addresses these three areas with the proofs from the Qur’an and the Sunnah. As a result this booklet has received worldwide acclaim and acceptance from the Muslim Ummah and many eminent Islamic scholars teach and explain this booklet to their students. This book is an English rendition of the explanation from one of the most illustrious scholars of our time, Al-‘Allāmah ‘Abdul-Aziz bin ‘Abdullah bin Bāz [d. 1420 A.H.]

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    Weight 1.1 lbs

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