B92 The Means for the Ummah’s Salvation


Therefore, He didn’t leave anything good except that He made it clear to us; and He didn’t leave anything evil except that he made it clear to us. Thus, among the greatest causes for the Ummah’s salvation is clinging to the Aqeedah and Tawheed, its avoiding Shirk and bid’ah.

So the foundation of the causes, which saves (us) from fitan(i.e. plural for trial) is Tawheed, avoidance of Shirk, Bid’ah, and new matters in the religion.


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    So, just as we should avoid Shirk we should avoid bid’ah. So avoiding Shirk and singling Allah alone with all worship is the meaning of Laa Ilaha Illallah (i.e. none has the right to be worshipped in truth except Allah); and the meaning of Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah is to abandon bid’ah; because the messenger is the one, who brought us clarification of the truth and the religion. Thus, we should worship Allah upon the path of the Messenger.

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