Explanation of the Nulifiers of Islam


The door to entering into Islam is ONE however the doors of exits are MANY. Shaykh has explained in this book those ten dangerous matters that takes a Muslim out of the fold of Islam.


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    Many Muslims today have misconceptions about Islam that once they say La’ Ilaha Illallah, then entering into paradise has become their BIRTH RIGHT and that they will just pass few days in Hell for whatever sins they do ignoring the extent of those sins. These sins can be Shirk itself, and can lead to Shirk. Some also think that committing Shirk was only limited to the Arabs of Jahiliyyah (Polytheists of Makkah) and this cannot be committed by the Muslims of today. Some also assume that the verses of Shirk and Kufr and anulling of one’s Islam ONLY came down for the Kuffar only, and cannot be applied for Muslims (partially) in any era including the present. And lastly, some groups went to other extreme dictating that Shirk has only ONE level and cannot be Major or Minor resulting in performing Takfeer on every Muslim who falls into Shirk.

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    Weight 0.16 lbs

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