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Before you is an explanation of one of the classical works on prayer and ablution written by the Imaam and Mujaddid of the 13th century, Muhammad bin Abdil-Wahhaab, may Allaah have mercy on him. This book: “The Conditions, Pillars and Requirements of Prayer” is a brief treatise designed for easy memorization and retaining since the author lists each point briefly followed by its proof from the Qur’an and Sunnah. The study and careful review of this classical work will give the reader a concise and general understanding of the basic fundamentals and legal rulings of ablution and prayer and produce students with firm knowledge of the core and subsidiary issues of prayer, which is the first thing we will be asked about on the Day of Judgement. It is for this reason that this classical work continues to be taught today all over the world. From among the several scholars that explained this treatise are Shaikhs Muhammad Amaan Al-Jaamee and ‘Abdul-Mushin Al-‘Abbaad. In an effort to bring as much benefit as possible to the English readers, both of these explanations have been translated and included in this book.
The Prophet (Sallahu Alayhi Wassallam) said:
The first thing that the servant will be brought to account for on the Day of Resurrection from his actions will be the Prayer. Our Lord will say to His angels, and He knows best, ‘Look at My Servant’s Prayer, did he complete it or was it deficient? If it is complete, then it will be recorded as complete. However, if there is any deficiency in it He will say, look and see whether my slave performed any supergatory Prayers: If he does have supergatory Prayers, He will say, ‘Complete the obligatory Prayers of My servant from his supergatory Prayers: Then the rest of his deeds will be judged in a similar fashion:’ Sahih Sunan Abu Dawud (no. 864)
This book serves as a reference point for the English-speaking Muslim to allow them to differentiate between what is legislated based on the Qur’ān and the authentic Sunnah, with the understanding of the Companions, and what has no basis in the religion of Islam whatsoever.
Shaykh al-Albānī said, describing his work: “I made it a stipulation to only include in it authentic narrations, as is our normal practice in all our works—and all praise is for Allāh, always and forever.
The greatest action of worship which manifests the Khushu, of the body to Allah is the prayer (salah). Allah has praised those who have Khushu, in the prayer. al-Hasan, may Allah have mercy on him, said, ‘When you stand in prayer, stand in due obedience as Allah has ordered you, beware of negligence and looking (here and there), beware that Allah be looking at you while you are looking at something else, asking Allah for Paradise and taking refuge with Him from the Fire, yet your heart is heedless, not knowing what the tongue is saying.’ Hudhayfah said, ‘The first thing you will lose of your religion will be Khushu and the last thing you will lose of your religion will be the prayer, and it is well possible that there is no good in a person who prays, and soon will come a time when you shall entre a large Masjid and not see a single person with Khushu. This small treatise deals with the correct and accurate meaning of Khushu, and with three extremely beneficial appendixes.
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