Ways of Staying Firm Upon the Religion


A small excerpt from the book (Ways of staying firm upon the Religion)….

The tribulations that the heart is afflicted with are of two types:

Tribulations of doubts

Tribulations of desires


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    As for the tribulation of doubts then it results from corrupt concepts, deficient knowledge, and weak insight. As for tribulations of desires than it emanates from (one having) weak determination, feeble will, low aspiration, and the souls inclination to its lusts and desires without concern for the limits of the legislation, and the regulations of the religion. The tribulations of doubts are corruption in knowledge, and the tribulations of desires are corruption in action. A person will not be upright upon the religion of Allah except by him being upright upon beneficial knowledge and righteous action, Allah said:

    “It is He who sent His Messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth so that He may cause it to prevail over all religions.” [Surah as-Saff 61:9]

    Guidance is beneficial knowledge, and the religion of truth is righteous action. The servant will not be upon the truth, guidance, and safety from doubts and desires, except by him adhering to this way and being concerned with it; beneficial knowledge and righteous action. Since this status and the matter is the loftiest of statuses, and the greatest of matters. Allah ordered His servants to adhere to supplicating Him to be guided to the straight path. Rather, He ordered this upon His servants every day and night; seventeen times in the obligatory prayer.

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