Shaikh al-Albani

He is the ‘Allammah, the Muhaddith, the Imaam Abu Abdur-Rahman Muhammad Naasir ud-deen ibn Al-Haaj Nuh bin Najaati bin Adam al-Albani. He was born in Albania in the city Ashkodera in the year 1132H corresponding to 1914. Then his father migrated with his family to live in Damascus. He died in Amman, Jordan at 87 years old on Saturday, the 22nd of Jumaada ath-Thaaniyyah in the year 1420H corresponding to October 2, 1999.

His life and his scholarship has been chronicled in such detail and in so many places that the Shaikh is well known and needs no introduction, just the name “Albani” has become synonymous with the science of Hadith so much so that even his most staunch opponents acknowledge his preeminence in the realm of Hadith sciences. Shaikh Muhammad Bazmool, hafidhuhullah, states about him “This man is the Shaikh of Hadith of this generation, he’s been called the Muhaddith of Sham and it has even been said that he is the Muhaddith of the world and he is absolutely deserving of this description and I purify none above Allah” [Sharh Kitab Sifat is-Salaat in-Nabi pg. 5 Maktabatul-Ma’aarif ©1430H/2009CE]

In addition to his expertise in the field of Hadith, the Shaikh was instrumental in calling the Muslims to the Qur’an and the Sunnah as it was understood by the Salaf us-Saalih and warning against blind following and bigoted partisanship to a madhhab. His official website is

Books he authored available in English:

• Description of the Prophet’s Prayer

• Abridgement of the Prophet’s Described

• The Night Prayer in Ramadan

• Praying Eid in the Musallah is the Sunnah 💻

• Tawheed First O Callers to Islam 💻

• Fundamentals of the Salafee Methodology

• Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Funeral Rites

• Collection of Authentic Supplications

• Verification of Knowledge Mandates Action by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi

• Verification of The Book of Knowledge by Imam an-Nawawi