Fundamentals of the Salafee Methodology
General, Minhaj-Methodology $19.99Lastly, there occurs a detailed discussion about some of the most prevalent doubts upon Ahlus-Sunnah today, such as those from amongst the Mu?tazilah who deny the khabrul-aahaad (singular narration) and the Ashaa?irah and their likes who attribute tashbeeh (resembling Allaah to His creation) to Ahlus-Sunnah, whilst themselves performing ta?weel (figurative interpretation) and ta?teel (denial) of the Attributes of Allaah. The later part of the book is devoted to a biography of Imaam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen al-Albaanee, his discussion with the head of al- Azhar concerning the issues of taqleed and the madhaahib and an exposition of standard Ash?aree doubts upon Ahlus-Sunnah and their creed. In a time of severe confusion and corruption, this treatise is sure to be a beacon of enlightenment and a pure spring from which all those desiring true guidance can drink.