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Abdullah al-Jaarullah

  • B515 A Letter To The Incarcerated Muslim (With Appendices Regarding Major Sins)

    , $11.99

    If a sick person went to the doctor for treatment and was advised to avoid certain delicious foods to preserve his health, he would believe the doctor and comply with the doctor’s orders. Despite this, we see many people disobeying Allāh and His Messenger by leaving off the obligations while doing prohibited actions; although he reads and hears the commands and prohibitions. He knows the permissible and the impermissible. Therefore, is the doctor more truthful to them than Allāh, the Exalted? Or is their sickness more severe to them than the Hellfire?

  • B77 Issue the Muslim Woman Should Concern Herself With


    I decided to select single sections from my book ath-Thammaar al-Yaani’ah min al-Kalimaat al-Jaami’ah (The Ripe Fruits taken from the Comprehensive Words), issues concerning the Muslim woman towards her Lord, her religion, her temporal life and her hereafter… I have singled out these issues to be easily referenced, light carrying, and derived from the speech of His messenger, peace be upon him, in addition to the scholars who verified (the correct from the false).

    164 pages