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Dar Us Salaam

  • B282 The Precious Pearls


    We want to present this book ‘The Precious Pearls – the Description of the Ten Companions Who were Given the Glad Tidings of Paradise’ to our youth as a legacy hoping that they will continue on toward finding the higher and real values that Islam suggests to acquire. In it are the models to follow instead of mimicking inferior, fictitious and corrupt personalities presented to us by non-Muslims.

  • B237 Child Companions Around The Prophet

    , , $19.99

    It includes the biography of the following companions:

    Hasan bin ‘Ali رضی الله عنه

    Husain bin ‘Ali رضی الله عنه

    Abdullah bin Zoubir رضی الله عنه

    Abdullah bin ‘Abbas رضی الله عنه

    Abdullah bin Ja’far رضی الله عنه

    Abdullah bin ‘Umar رضی الله عنه

    Abdullah bin ‘Amr رضی الله عنه

    Usamah bin Zaid رضی الله عنه

    Anas bin Malik رضی الله عنه

    Sa’eed bin Al-‘Aasرضی الله عنه

  • B60 My Tawheed Book

    , $4.99

    My Tawheed Book is one of four books in the collection of books by darussalam, teaching the Muslim child a basic understanding of Tawheed (the oneness of Allah).

    My Tawheed Book, contains beautifully illustrated (faceless) pictures and includes a glossary of words at the back of the book.


    Allah says:

    “Allah (alone) created the heavens and the earth with truth. Verily! that is surely a sign for those who believe.”

    (Al Quran 29:44)


    A great part of the Quran refers to Tawheed. All the Messengers were sent to call people to Tawheed and correct their misguided belief about Allah.

    Allah says:

    “And verily, we have sent among every Ummah (nation) a Messenger (proclaiming): Worship Allah alone and avoid Taghut (worshiping others besides Allah).

    (Al Quran 16:36)


    It is our Islamic responsibility to nurture and educate our children in deen. Tawheed is the first article of faith (that Allah is one God) and is part of the words uttered in the Shahada. Tawheed is so important to a Muslim, as we know that (if we die upon and do not repent from it) the only sin Allah does not forgive is Shirk (associating partners with Allah).

    My Tawheed Book also teaches and explains belief in:

    • Tawheed Ar-Ruboobiyah (Allah is the only Lord)
    • Tawheed Al-Uloohiyah (worshiping Allah alone)
    • Tawheed Al-Asmaa wa As-Sifaat (Allah’s names and attributes are not comparable to those of his creation)